Super Foods High in Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids For a Healthy Lifestyle
When was the last time you went shopping for foods high in omega 3 fatty acids? Have you ever wondered which foods contain omega3 and are the best?
In this article, I’ll point you to nutrition foods high in essential fatty acids your body needs.Yes, fatty fish are excellent for omega-3s.
But, so are other foods researchers found that also help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Foods high in omega 3 that help prevent cancers, high blood pressure and aid different ailments like asthma, anxiety, allergies and depression.
Foods High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids
People who consume more omega-3 are healthier compared to those who are omega3 deficient. So, here are some super foods rich in omega3 essential fats:
o Fish — fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, hoki and tuna. A very healthy choice since fatty fish are rich in omega3 fats. In fact, nutritional experts recommend you eat one to two fatty fish meals per week.
o Vegetables — various leafy greens for salad, spinach and squash contain omega-3s, but broccoli and cauliflower are the two when it comes to having high omega-3.
o Beans — also known as legumes, also are a source. Beans to look for are kidney, mungo and pinto since they’re loaded with omega-3.
o Nuts and Seeds — numerous nuts to throw into salads or baking that are omega3 rich are walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Or seeds such as sesame, pumpkin and flexseeds.
o Meats — when it comes to deciding on which meat to eat, try and find either chickens that have been fed a diet of fish oils and greens or grass fed beef.
In today’s processed world, trying to find and eat foods high in omega 3 fatty acids may be a bit difficult. The fish you think are fresh most likely swam in polluted waters.
And, no one wants to consume large quantities of healthy omega3 rich oils, nuts and seeds because they do contain a lot of fat. As for the healthy greeens, it’s difficult to eat enough of them for the essential fatty acids.
Don’t get me wrong, omega3 essential fatty acids found in these food are extremely important. Therefore, you might also want to look into topping up your diet with a high-quality omega-3 supplement which has been purified to ensure it’s safe, effective and a pharmaceutical grade high-quality product.
Now that you are armed with this information, you’ll be able to combine foods high in omega 3 essential fatty acids and supplements to achieve the best results. Now is the time to take control and enjoy your healthy lifestyle.
Visit my website today if you’re interested in learning more about essential fatty acids in high-quality omega3 supplements I use and recommend.