Tips to help someone who has fallen

It is not possible to make the risk of falling zero so making a plan for when you do fall, or suggesting to someone that they make a plan for when they fall is a good idea. You need to think about how are you going to call for help? Do you have an emergency button? Mobile phone kept with you at all times? Could you use Alexa or Google Home to voice call a friend?
Here are some tips to help if someone has fallen
Take a minute
The first step, for you and the faller, is to just take a minute. Nothing has to be done immediately and it gives the faller time to get over the immediate shock and for the body to signal any injuries.
Ensure the faller is comfortable
Make sure that the faller is comfortable, a cushion for their head (or a rolled up coat outside) so the “what next?” decision can be . Make sure theuy are taking slow, calm breaths.
Check for injury
It might be if injury has been sustained then ringing 999 is necessary. In this situation make the
Getting up by themselves
If they are uninjuried it is time to start thinking about getting up. If possible it is safer for you and them if they are able to do it without your help. A technique that can be used with help of a chair or stable surface can be found here Backward Chaining ‘. If this isn’t feasible are there any stairs the faller can crawl over to and then bump their bottom up until they are able to stand? It doesn’t really matter which method they use as long as they can safely stand up. This is a useful skill that should be practiced at least once a week.
Getting up with help
Try not to lift them but if you must then then stand behind them. Bend your knees with your arms around their middle (not under their arms). Count to three together and then both stand up at the same time.
Sit down (have a cuppa) and check for injuries
When the faller has sat down on a chair take a moment to check for injuries again and encourage them to tell the GP that they fell. The GP might have some suggestions or be able to refer them to a Local Falls Clinic.
In my Falls Prevention Workshop we do a Plan B in which we cover all these points but also ensuring they work for you in your environment.
If you would like a place at the next Falls Prevention Workshop on the 14th October at the Bassil Shippam Centre please ring on 07785 747669. There is no charge for the workshop.
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