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Estroven: Uses and Side Effects

Estroven for Menopause: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects

Biological supplements for weight loss have a mild effect, contributing to the loss of excess weight if used in combination with diet and exercise. They accelerate metabolism, prevent the accumulation of fat, fight hunger. Most dietary supplements are safe. But, their benefits are moderate. The result is achieved through hard work for a long time. The preparation Estroven is one of the most popular and most used for problems with weight gain with menopausal changes.

Composition of the Drug – Estroven Ingredients

Estroven weight management supplement manufacturers made sure their product contains only natural ingredients. The main components of Estroven are:

  • black cohosh;
  • soybeans;
  • quadrangular cissus.

The first two components actively help a woman’s body cope with the problem of hot flashes and increased night sweats. The last ingredient is yet responsible for assisting in weight management. The patented extract from the plant cissus quadrangular is called – Synetrim CQ. It is it that affects serotonin levels and thus normalizes the weight gain of a menopausal woman. Thanks to this additive, the remedy Estroven helps effectively cope with excess pounds.

Estroven Dosage

The Estroven weight management preparation, according to the manufacturer, should be applied one capsule once a day. The administration of medicine is not dependent on food intake. It is recommended to drink the capsule with a glass of clean water. One pack of Estroven contains 60 tablets. Before starting therapy, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Estroven Side Effects

Despite the complete naturalness and the absence of harmful additives and preservatives in the composition of the drug, Estroven is able to cause the manifestation of side effects. This can happen due to exceeding the recommended dosage or not following the instructions of the attending physician as a whole.

So, Estroven side effects may be:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

How Estroven Will Help With Overweight Problem

The biologically active supplement Estroven has the following effects on the body of a woman in menopause, it:

  • normalizes metabolism. Diets negatively affect metabolism, forcing the body to make reserves in case of a subsequent lack of nutrients. Therefore, sooner or later the “plateau” effect occurs, when the weight ceases to decline. It is very important that the supplements include substances that contribute to further weight loss and Estroven is just that.
  • maintains the overall tone of the body. Any restriction in diet, especially with the addition of serious physical exertion, is very difficult for a person to tolerate: a feeling of fatigue increases, which negatively affects the desire to continue the process of losing weight. Estroven weight management supplement tones the immune system and contributes to the harmonious and efficient work of the whole organism.

Estroven Reviews

Estroven biological supplement has been shown to be quite effective in reducing weight in menopausal women. At the same time, there is a list of recommendations that must be implemented in order for the remedy to work properly: the female must definitely do sports and adhere to a healthy diet to achieve the most positive result.