January 18, 2025

MDG – 500

Trailblazing Healthy Quality

30 Minutes Easy-to-do Daily Exercise Routine

Contributed by: Anjali Dharra


In this contemporary era, every individual knows and thinks that doing exercise is one of the quintessential things to stay healthy. But how often do you really need to head to kickboxing classes, hit the gym, roll out a yoga mat, or get a home workout?

There might be the possibility that your son works out three times a week, while your brother plays tennis every weekend. Your wife goes on daily walks, and your daughter practices dancing and yoga. And, you occasionally go cycling, finally taking fitness seriously. 

Now is the time you need to put your good intentions into action and for that, you need to set a fitness goal while being concerned about how often you should work out and how much exercise is enough. for achieving the fitness goals that make you healthy and active if performed in appropriate way and duration. 

Because you are the only one who knows and can decide how much physical activity is the best for your body.

Are you one of the 80% of Indians who have joined a gym or committed to an exercise program several times and backed out after a few weeks because you didn’t have an idea which exercise is good for you? If yes, you are not the only one. 

There are a large number of people who indulge themselves in mild to intense physical activities without getting doctors’ or fitness experts’ advice. 

So here’s your guide to everything you wanted about how much exercise is actually good for you that gives you some health benefits and where to draw the line.

Why exercise?

There are five main reasons people opt to work out: work, health, recreation, competition, or appearance.

Your requirement for exercise will vary depending on your motivation, where you are beginning from, and how quickly you want to reach your fitness objectives. 

Your personal preferences, schedule, and the equipment you have access to, all influence the kind of exercise you choose to do.

No matter what your goals are, here we are helping you with how frequently you should work out and how to develop the best fitness routine. 

So read on and pay attention to the below-mentioned routine exercises.


Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health and well-being. If your goals are weight management, good mental health, quality sleep, happiness, healthy digestion, and extending life span, walking is a must. 

You will be glad to know that a brisk walk means 100 steps per minute and it can bolster your cardiovascular fitness, and reduce your chances of developing diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and depression, to name a few.

Moreover, walking strengthens your bones, lessens your excess body fat, boosts muscle endurance, and improves your immunity.

It is recommended to walk briskly for at least half an hour a day regularly. And it is not recommended to exceed the time without consulting your physician.


Cycling is an official sports activity that helps your body in staying healthy and active in several ways. If you want to boost the strength in your legs, stamina, muscle endurance, joint health, and immunity, look no further than cycling. 

30 minutes of pedal cycling is optimal to achieve your fitness goals. Cycling is also a good option for people who have sore hips, back, and knees. 

It has been observed in some studies of older cyclists that cycling keeps muscles and immunity youthful for years.  

Do this energetic and exciting activity within limits as suggested by health experts for effective results. 


Running itself is a rigorous exercise so it is often recommended for a shorter period of time. If you want to make your heart healthier, have a good metabolism, have stronger bones, have an active brain and mood, and have optimal body weight, running is the best.

15 minutes or as little as 5 minutes of running is adequate for attaining your fitness goals. For continuous inspiration, you can download some running apps on your phone which can ease you into running. 

So, grab a good pair of running shoes and start today only but remember to do it in moderation and exceed your limits to avoid any complications in the future. 


In recent times, a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices have taken a leap over other physical exercises in this modern world such as Yoga and Pilates.

30 minutes of daily yoga can help in achieving your health goals such as body balance, amplifying lower body flexibility, calmness, strength, and reducing back pain, to name a few.

Choose from the simplest yoga asanas to moderate ones to allow your body to slowly adapt to the more intense asanas as time passes.


Swimming is another sporting activity that requires the full energy of the body. Many women prefer swimming to running because swimming buoys the body, relieving pressure on joints. 

It’s difficult to become overheated in water, even after vigorous exercise. Swimming is also good for decreasing blood pressure, soothing the mind, increasing your appetite, and building back, core, and shoulder strength.

20 to 30 minutes of swimming is sufficient for an individual looking for the above-mentioned fitness goals. It is highly advisable to promise yourself to do swimming at least three times a week for effective and efficient results.

Weight training

Weight loss, nowadays, is a very common goal for many individuals. You can get a healthy weight by selecting moderate exercises for health but for effective and better results, one must spend at least an hour on moderate exercises. 

This might sound like a lot but remember people are spending hours doing this and sometimes may lead to major setbacks as they are not aware of how much exercise is good for their bodies.

Excess fat is something you can’t selectively shed from your thighs, belly, and butt. Don’t look for instant results, in fact, indulge yourself in slight to moderate physical activities as well as choose a healthy diet plan. 

Note: Try to cut down on the calories you take and burn your calories with interesting exercises without hampering your body, health, and desires.

This Heart Day make yourself free from several heart risks by following some preventive tips shared by Dr Umesh Kohli. Share and Subscribe to ‘Good Health Show’ for more healthy tips.

Final thoughts

Fortunately, for every individual trying to improve their overall health and well-being, a little bit of moderate exercise goes a long way. It boosts your mind and mood, lowers your stress levels, staves off illnesses, and as a result, contributes to an overall sense of well-being.

Walking, running, swimming, cycling, yoga, and weight training are some of the commonly known exercises often suggested by health experts, gym trainers, doctors, as well as dieticians. 

Because these are the basic physical activities that people do most often but they don’t know in what way they should do them and for how long. 

Doing exercises for hours is not that effective, but doing it appropriately and at an optimal time can change your way of thinking and living.

So think twice before you start or indulge in an exercise form. Know about your body’s strength and capacities. Start with mini to moderate exercises and live a healthy lifestyle.

To know about the real worth of your body, you can go to pre & post exercises health screening tests to keep track of your body vitals and any alterations in the same after post exercises. 

Furthermore, you are also eligible to predict your medical conditions in advance with the one and only genetic testing method.

Book The Full Body Good Health Test Today!

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